Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Imagine the World......
Blogger: Today With PokieToo and Parkinson's Disease - Formatting Settings

I decided to dream for just a little while and take you along with me. Three years ago, almost to the day a New York taxi cab driver let me off at Central Park at just after seven in the morning on the big Saturday. The Saturday of my first Unity Walk. I had arrived the day before and the walk did not start for three more hours but I could wait no longer at the hotel. I had to venture out. So from La Guardia Marriott to Central Park I rode with eyes as big as half dollars and when he let me out I had absolutely no idea where I was going except I must be in heaven and then I topped the first hill and was convinced. ...Every old hippies dream John Lennon's memorial. I just could not believe that this was the first thing I saw "Strawberry Fields". My mind would not let me stay long but after four pictures and a prayer I was off just following the flow until I saw the Unity Walk sign. No one was there except Starbucks and coffee was free. Two cups of coffee and a quick tour of the site and I crawled up on the rocks to watch the World. Everyone in the World was there.....exercising, running their dogs, reading their papers, just walking and me up on the rocks like a true tourist taking pictures that no one else would take. I have copied and copied those pictures in the past three years and still smile every time I see them...The energy in New York is just unbelievable, especially to a goat farmer from Illinois.

My mission was to find two people that day Michael J. Fox and Tim Horgan(PLM, adm) Neither dream came true but I sure thought it had a couple of times and May May Ali and I talked and my first meeting with the staff of happened. I met Holly Berry that day and Janet Reno and can not believe heaven could be any better. Our team was four that year but I met Marla and her family for the first time and them so much. I thought $600.00 was so good the first year and then. Last year Marla was co captain and really captain and we made $14,000.00 (13th)......SO GREAT. This year we are standing at 26 members and we started from scratch January 1st and have collected $5000.00 and have a month to go...maybe we have saved the best to last. All I can tell you is my Team Rocks and our enthusiasum could not be higher.....thanks guys love Pokie

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Today With PokieToo and Parkinson's and Acute RA Disease