Tuesday, June 1, 2010

In Explanation of MY Panels for PDF

I happen to think last night that with all the articles I have written for the other panels and walks and teams I have not wrote a thing explaining my panels and their beginnings and endings. The first was the "Christmas in Parkinsonville" which started much, much simpler and smaller in January when I was very much snowed in on top of a very steep hill with no hope of getting out for a month or so. As cabin fever crept in, I decided on my panel theme and started tearing an old vest apart for material. At this point it was hanging on the wall in my study an I would pin things to the material as I found something that interested me BUT soon I began getting up in the middle of the night and gluing and stitching. I knew I was exibiting true excessive compulsive behavior but since the panel was to be about me I let it run rampant. Next things began appearing on top of other things. Something would fall off and I would have to hand stitch it on again.....Colors clashed and appeared non perfect. Stitches changed from night to day in size and beauty but when it was finally done and in all of it's imperfection I realized I had really grasped the idea of Parkinson's Disease at Christmas or any other time of the year....an adult mind allowing the child mind inside to come out and play for a day and then at night the adult and child minds to be able to settle down and smile at the resulting accomplishments. This was my first square in January......

Then I stopped all sewing in preparation for the 2010 Parkinson Unity Walk in New York City. In my life nothing ranks higher and all focus heads there most of the year. As our team developed and contributions came in my enthusiasm just usually goes of the charts and leaves room for nothing else in my life. With Team Patientslikeme reaching $14,000.00 Dollars for research and the trip of a lifetime lived, I was back home to sew and realized I was several panels short of 16 for a full quilt.......so you know me. I shut down everything else and sewed for almost a month.

From that sewing came "To All PD Heroes Who Have Fallen", "A Walk in the Park for Parkinson's Disease" "One on One"and the one I am working on to finish now "Thanks" and I loved every minute of it.

Several people along the way sent me belongings or pictures and I made squares for them, V Wig and Peter and next Saturday they will leave my care for New York and the world. It will be much like sending your children off to college for me and leaves me to wonder what next, Who Knows love ya Pokie

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Today With PokieToo and Parkinson's and Acute RA Disease