Tuesday, October 6, 2009

This is the Day

Blogger: Today With PokieToo and Parkinson's Disease - Formatting Settings

I am so excited.  The tremors are big time today.  I really hope I have enough brain cells left to get through this.  At sixty three and stage three or four Parkinson's this is a lot to take on.  My computer skills are so minimal and time is of the essence now. It still strikes me as hilarious that I was never on the computer before I gained Parkinson's in my resume.  I never just threw all common sense to the wind and told every thing that wandered through my brain to complete strangers.  I can only say the internet has been my salvation with this disease.  It has given me a purpose and made me feel like I had something to offer, at this late stage in life, to the world.  It has brought me friends from all over the world who have held me up on bad days. Wellsphere and Patienslikeme.com have been a God send in my time of need. This connection to the outside is vital when you are facing a cronic illness. With so many of these disease the patient begins to withdraw from society.  It is only natural to want interaction without ridacule or judgement and be able to ask for help and get it 24/7. This has saved my life. In the last two years I have preached the need to take healthcare to a "one on one" plan.  One person helping one other person expands in twos. The word then gets out in multiples and twice as fast.  If we are ever going to beat these diseases, it must resort to the grassroots.  If you give the patient a sense of security and caring, he will tell you what he needs.  If he believes you are listening, he can be helped and will tell you things no one else has heard.  These small things are huge in healing these diseases.  Only the patient knows how he feels on a daily bases and what he has learned to do to make him feel better.  We as patients have our own networks to work through.  If we do not know how to do something we have resources to help.  Call this social networking or friendships it works.  Thanks Charlene"Pokie Too"Pryor

1 comment:

Rosemary said...

I know you did just fine Pokie. You're such an outgoing person that I know that will come across in your posts. I'm just a little older than you are, but you inspire me to stay busy and stay connected.



Today With PokieToo and Parkinson's and Acute RA Disease