Monday, December 4, 2017


Well here we are hurrying into Christmas. Not much to it this year for me. Lots of cleaning and sorting through things.  I just feel kind of lost in the scheme of things. I have the best of intentions but when I get right down to it I run out of steam. Years ago I would have my tree up by Thanksgiving and started my cookie baking the first week of December. Shopping was worked in as I could afford it and I can even remember one year buying gifts Christmas Eve and going to the park and wrapping them before going home to go to candlelight services. My husband at the time was born on Christmas Day and had a love for divinity, so Christmas Eve, for me, was an all night cleaning and making divinity and having everything perfect for Christmas Day when the house was fun with relatives and joy.
Parkinson's and the chance of seizures have taken those time from me. Even though two years ago my Neurologist held my shaking hand and said, "You doing have PD just "PDisum". Which means my organs don't just shut down and I can sometimes manage my left hand shake by telling it to stop. The only problem being my strength and back pain. The only pain meds I take or extra strength tylenol after being on over forty pills a day for very many years. I guess my doctors think at seventy I should be slowing down but I miss the excitement so this is my new mission.......
I will rearrange my house the way I want it. I'll try at every step along the way to sort the pictures and mark who they are for. There is always a possibility that someone might be interested at another time. The antiques I am so proud of having, have me at a mystery. I guess I could sell them a little at a time but they have been with me so long.. I have quilt tops to be quilted, pictures to be framed I had found these things on weekend excursions, when with no money, me and the kids would go to farm sales and garage sales and load up for close to nothing. Then I made a mistake....My dad retired and was so bored so what did I do? I introduced him to antiques so now with him and mom both gone, I have buildings stacked to the top.
Well need not worry, I have no time to die and I seriously belief God won't take me till I get this straightened out.  So with that, I am back to work and wishing you well. Thanks for all your comments and kind thoughts. You spur me on.     Love ya Pokie

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Today With PokieToo and Parkinson's and Acute RA Disease