Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Just When You Give Up......

Blogger: Today With PokieToo and Parkinson's Disease - Formatting Settings

Just when you think there is not another email to be sent, another person to beg, another door to knock on, another person to humble yourself too, another donation comes in. This time from such a sweet guy in New York who I have never met and next week end he will be at the beach when I arrive in NYC but he has sent me his book and I will read it and pass it on to you because that is what God did to me....When it seemed my little team had found the well dry along came Ed and saved my spirits. Thank you so much Ed and I just cannot wait to get my mail.

Next Thursday morning early is when I leave for New York City. Things are starting to creep into my always overloaded bag and lists are stuck to everything. The girls are coming over this weekend to give everything the once over to see if mom can still pull this off. Mom herself is beginning to wonder as the recliner looks better and better every minute. I have heard that Starbucks has backed out this year........this makes me so sad. I was and still will be an early arriver at the Walk and they would give me endless free coffee as I sat and took in Central Park's early morning Glory about 7AM......There is a set of rocks that stick out of the ground close to where we use to meet and I would get my coffee and crawl up there , out of the way, and watch for limos and just imagine who was inside. greet joggers and the weirdest assortment of dogs, and just generally saw why John Lennon loved Central Park so. These are some of the best memories of my life, for sure. I can never explain to anyone my feelings and in some ways I will not even try, but the first year I as so enthused that the second year my oldest daughter went along to check it out and now this year two of my daughters are going.

I may not make the goals I set for myself and my team but it will not be for lack of trying. Each of my team, small and large has brought their own spice to the pot and we will definitely set NYC on fire. I plan to take my laptop along and blog daily so look out for Team Patientslikeme...love Pokie

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Today With PokieToo and Parkinson's and Acute RA Disease